And once again the devil wins😀😀. Now lemme teach u guys something. If something is bothering, the devil's goal is to isolate u from people, and then deal with u alone. U stop going out, u stop going to church, u stop associating with people because something is bothering and if u go out dey will be asking what is it up and down, and u don't have strength to answer, that's the devil's trick 😀. So what do u do, talk. Even if e no concern the person talk use style and ask someone, say ur friend is going through so so so and so any advice, what's the solution 😀. The person will rant on ur friend not u😀😀. So that way, my love u get help some way some how. Because e no get wetin u dey go through, way person never go through, u just have to ask enough people 🥰🥰. Hope u learned something today. But the problem here is that, anytime person money finish and he or she has bills to pay, the person is self tagged depressed 🙄🙄. U guys should wake up. And speak out. Ask 20 friends how dey are surviving legall